Thursday 3 September 2015

Jamal Raza – Complete innovations – Fleet Complete – FleetComplete – Toronto – Blog – Fraud – Sexual Predator – Unethical Manager – Cheater – Drunk Driver – Adulterer – The Dirty – TheDirty – Canada

Jamal Raza – Complete innovations – Fleet Complete – FleetComplete – Toronto – Blog – Fraud – Sexual Predator – Unethical Manager – Cheater – Drunk Driver – Adulterer – Alcoholic – Thief – Crook – Pedophile – The Dirty – TheDirty – Canada

Jamal Raza – Complete innovations – Fleet Complete – FleetComplete – Toronto – Blog – Fraud – Sexual Predator – Unethical Manager – Cheater – Drunk Driver – Adulterer – Alcoholic – Thief – Crook – Pedophile – The Dirty – TheDirty – Canada
Jamal Raza is a complete Fraud, a Sexual Predator, an Unethical Manager, a Cheater,  Adulterer; Read more about this pervert right here:

Jamal Raza has been sexually harassing plenty of women at his job as Vice-President at  Complete Innovations;

Jamal Raza has been reported to Human Resources and the Executive Management at  Complete Innovations numerous times, but they all turned at blind-eye by resolving things through internal resolutions;

Jamal Raza till this day continues to solicit women for sexual advances, including retaining the services of various escorts and prostitutes around the GTA;

Jamal Raza is also an adulterer who is married and has a son;

Jamal Raza uses his position of authority to hire attractive females only to use them as casual companions;

Jamal Raza has been convicted before of the courts of various serious driving related offences including
impaired driving that caused the suspension of his driver’s license;

Jamal Raza continuously asks his employees to pick him up and drop him off before and after work hours;

Jamal Raza feels that he can get away with full impunity;

Jamal Raza is a sexual deviant who needs to be dealt with and this is public service announcement of innocent women out there who might fall victim to his conniving ways.